Brigid Cross Making Workshop Celebrate the ancient feast of Imbolc and our goddess Brigid by weaving your own crosses. A beautiful tradition, the crosses are woven from the rushes of our local rivers. Hanging Brigid's cross from the rafters of one's house was believed to bring the blessing and protection for the remainder of the year. The practice of crafting Brigid's crosses declined in the 20th century, however, Irish weavers such as Sarah are helping to bring the tradition back. The workshop will be taught by Sarah Jenkinson, she will explain the history and stories behind the cross, the materials used and then we will weave 2 beautiful crosses to take home. A delicious drink will be included. Pre booking is essential. Space limited.

Link in the bio on Instagram to book.

Massive Mix Fridays - Check Socials for DJ details. The dancefloor is calling.